993 resultados para EPILEPSY-PRONE RATS


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Epilepsy is a syndrome of episodic brain dysfunction characterized by recurrent unpredictable, spontaneous seizures. Cerebellar dysfunction is a recognized complication of temporal lobe epilepsy and it is associated with seizure generation, motor deficits and memory impairment. Serotonin is known to exert a modulatory action on cerebellar function through 5HT2C receptors. 5-HT2C receptors are novel targets for developing anticonvulsant drugs. In the present study, we investigated the changes in the 5-HT2C receptors binding and gene expression in the cerebellum of control, epileptic and Bacopa monnieri treated epileptic rats. There was a significant down regulation of the 5-HT content (pb0.001), 5-HT2C gene expression (pb0.001) and 5-HT2C receptor binding (pb0.001) with an increased affinity (pb0.001). Carbamazepine and B. monnieri treatments to epileptic rats reversed the down regulated 5-HT content (pb0.01), 5-HT2C receptor binding (pb0.001) and gene expression (pb0.01) to near control level. Also, the Rotarod test confirms the motor dysfunction and recovery by B. monnieri treatment. These data suggest the neuroprotective role of B. monnieri through the upregulation of 5-HT2C receptor in epileptic rats. This has clinical significance in the management of epilepsy


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Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present work is to understand the alterations of total muscarinic. muscarinic MI and glutamate receptors in the brain regions of pilocarpine induced epileptic rats. The work focuses on the evaluation of the anti epileptic activity of extracts of Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine in vivo. The molecular changes in the muscarinic M I receptors in the pre- and post-treated epileptic model with Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine were also studied. These studies will help us to elucidate the functional role of muscarinic and glutamate receptors in epilepsy.


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The Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) is an epileptic-prone strain developed by genetic selection from a Wistar progenitor based on the pattern of behavioral response to sound stimulation. Chronic acoustic stimulation protocols of WARs (audiogenic kindling) generate limbic epileptogenesis, confirmed by ictal semiology, amygdale, and hippocampal EEG, accompanied by hippocampal and amygdala cell loss, as well as neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG). In an effort to identify genes involved in molecular mechanisms underlying epileptic process, we used suppression-subtractive hybridization to construct normalized cDNA library enriched for transcripts expressed in the hippocampus of WARs. The most represented gene among the 133 clones sequenced was the ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit II (GluR2), a member of the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleopropionic acid (AMPA) receptor. Although semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis shows that the hippocampal levels of the GluR2 subunits do not differ between naive WARs and their Wistar counterparts, we observed that the expression of the transcript encoding the splice-variant GluR2-flip is increased in the hippocampus of WARs submitted to both acute and kindled audiogenic seizures. Moreover, using in situ hybridization, we verified upregulation of GluR2-flip mainly in the CA1 region, among the hippocampal subfields of audiogenic kindled WARs. Our findings on differential upregulation of GluR2-flip isoform in the hippocampus of WARs displaying audiogenic seizures is original and agree with and extend previous immunohistochemical for GluR2 data obtained in the Chinese P77PMC audiogenic rat strain, reinforcing the association of limbic AMPA alterations with epileptic seizures. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: The aim of the present work was to investigate the involvement of the mu(1)-endogenous opioid peptide receptor-mediated system in post-ictal antinociception. Methods: Antinociceptive responses were determined by the tail-flick test after pre-treatment with the selective mu(1)-opioid receptor antagonist naloxonazine, peripherally or centrally administered at different doses. Results: Peripheral subchronic (24 h) pre-treatment with naloxonazine antagonised the antinociception elicited by tonic-clonic seizures. Acute (10 min) pre-treatment, however, did not have the same effect. In addition, microinjections of naloxonazine into the central, dorsal cortical and external cortical nuclei of the inferior colliculus antagonised tonic-clonic seizure-induced antinociception. Neither acute (10-min) peripheral pre-treatment with naloxonazine nor subchronic intramesencephalic blockade of mu(1)-opioid receptors resulted in consistent statistically significant differences in the severity of tonic-clonic seizures shown by Racine's index (1972), although the intracollicular specific antagonism of mu(1)-opioid receptor decreased the duration of seizures. Conclusion: mu(1)-Opioid receptors and the inferior colliculus have been implicated in several endogenous opioid peptide-mediated responses such as antinociception and convulsion. The present findings suggest the involvement of mu(1)-opiate receptors of central and pericentral nuclei of the inferior colliculus in the modulation of tonic-clonic seizures and in the organisation of post-ictal antinociception. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The relationship between sleep and epilepsy is both complex and clinically significant. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) influences sleep architecture, while sleep plays an important role in facilitating and/or inhibiting possible epileptic seizures. The pilocarpine experimental model reproduces several features of human temporal lobe epilepsy and is one of the most widely used models in basic research. The aim of the present study was to characterize, behaviorally and electrophysiologically, the phases of sleep-wake cycles (SWC) in male rats with pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Epileptic rats presented spikes in all phases of the SWC as well as atypical cortical synchronization during attentive wakefulness and paradoxical sleep. The architecture of the sleep-wake phases was altered in epileptic rats, as was the integrity of the SWC. Because our findings reproduce many relevant features observed in patients with epilepsy, this model is suitable to study sleep dysfunction in epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to identify molecular pathways involved in audiogenic seizures in the epilepsy-prone Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR). For this, we used a suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) library from the hippocampus of WARs coupled to microarray comparative gene expression analysis, followed by Northern blot validation of individual genes. We discovered that the levels of the non-protein coding (npc) RNA BC1 were significantly reduced in the hippocampus of WARs submitted to repeated audiogenic seizures (audiogenic kindling) when compared to Wistar resistant rats and to both naive WARs and Wistars. By quantitative in situ hybridization, we verified lower levels of BC1 RNA in the GD-hilus and significant signal ratio reduction in the stratum radiatum and stratum pyramidale of hippocampal CA3 subfield of audiogenic kindled animals. Functional results recently obtained in a BC1-/- mouse model and our current data are supportive of a potential disruption in signaling pathways, upstream of BC1, associated with the seizure susceptibility of WARs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The results from the thesis confirm that canola oil ingestion shortens the lifespan of stroke prone rats. This life shortening effect associated with canola oil may be due to negative changes in the level of free radicals, antioxidants and blood fats. The situation is even worse when canola oil and salt are combined in the diet as blood vessel function is impaired.


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Adenosine is an inhibitor of neuronal activity in the brain. The local release of adenosine from grafted cells was evaluated as an ex vivo gene therapy approach to suppress synchronous discharges and epileptic seizures. Fibroblasts were engineered to release adenosine by inactivating the adenosine-metabolizing enzymes adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase. After encapsulation into semipermeable polymers, the cells were grafted into the brain ventricles of electrically kindled rats, a model of partial epilepsy. Grafted rats provided a nearly complete protection from behavioral seizures and a near-complete suppression of afterdischarges in electroencephalogram recordings, whereas the full tonic–clonic convulsions in control rats remained unaltered. Thus, the local release of adenosine resulting in adenosine concentrations <25 nM at the site of action is sufficient to suppress seizure activity and, therefore, provides a potential therapeutic principle for the treatment of drug-resistant partial epilepsies.


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Hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and dysglycemia constitute metabolic syndrome, a major public health concern, which is associated with cardiovascular mortality. High dietary salt (NaCl) is the most important dietary risk factor for elevated blood pressure. The kidney has a major role in salt-sensitive hypertension and is vulnerable to harmful effects of increased blood pressure. Elevated serum urate is a common finding in these disorders. While dysregulation of urate excretion is associated with cardiovascular diseases, present studies aimed to clarify the role of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), i.e. xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and its post-translational isoform xanthine oxidase (XO), in cardiovascular diseases. XOR yields urate from hypoxanthine and xanthine. Low oxygen levels upregulate XOR in addition to other factors. In present studies higher renal XOR activity was found in hypertension-prone rats than in the controls. Furthermore, NaCl intake increased renal XOR dose-dependently. To clarify whether XOR has any causal role in hypertension, rats were kept on NaCl diets for different periods of time, with or without a XOR inhibitor, allopurinol. While allopurinol did not alleviate hypertension, it prevented left ventricular and renal hypertrophy. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) produce nitric oxide (NO), which mediates vasodilatation. A paucity of NO, produced by NOS inhibition, aggravated hypertension and induced renal XOR, whereas NO generating drug, alleviated salt-induced hypertension without changes in renal XOR. Zucker fa/fa rat is an animal model of metabolic syndrome. These rats developed substantial obesity and modest hypertension and showed increased hepatic and renal XOR activities. XOR was modified by diet and antihypertensive treatment. Cyclosporine (CsA) is a fungal peptide and one of the first-line immunosuppressive drugs used in the management of organ transplantation. Nephrotoxicity ensue high doses resulting in hypertension and limit CsA use. CsA increased renal XO substantially in salt-sensitive rats on a high NaCl diet, indicating a possible role for this reactive oxygen species generating isoform in CsA nephrotoxicity. Renal hypoxia, common to these rodent models of hypertension and obesity, is one of the plausible XOR inducing factors. Although XOR inhibition did not prevent hypertension, present experimental data indicate that XOR plays a role in the pathology of salt-induced cardiac and renal hypertrophy.


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OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma dieta hiperlipídica de baixo custo, tendo farinha de soja como fonte proteica, que seja eficiente na seleção de ratos propensos e resistentes à obesidade e que permita alcançar fenótipo obeso nos animais propensos. Além desses requisitos, a dieta deve ser palatável e não rejeitada a curto prazo pelo animal. MÉTODOS: A dieta proposta foi obtida misturando-se leite condensado (15,5%), amendoim (18,5%), farinha de soja (20,0%), óleo de milho (6,0%), ração Bio Tec (30,0%) e bolacha wafer de chocolate (10,0%). A mistura foi peletizada e submetida à análise bromatológica. A dieta foi ofertada a ratos Wistar durante uma semana; posteriormente, os animais foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o ganho de peso. O terço superior foi considerado propenso à obesidade e o terço inferior, resistente à obesidade. Após 80 dias de oferta da dieta, os animais foram sacrificados e foram quantificados o peso corpóreo, consumo alimentar, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal, de carcaça e gorduras totais. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a dieta apresentava 5,31kcal/g, com a seguinte composição: 22,3% de gordura, 22,2% de proteína, 15,9% de fibra, estimando-se 35,7% de carboidrato. Ratos propensos à obesidade, alimentados por 87 dias com a dieta hipercalórica, apresentaram peso corpóreo, gorduras retroperitoneal, periepididimal e totais significativamente maiores do que animais resistentes à obesidade (p<0,05). O consumo de alimentos também foi maior em animais propensos (p<0,05). Verificou-se também que a substituição da caseína pela farinha de soja, como componente proteico da ração, levou à diminuição de 96,0% no custo do estudo. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta formulada com farinha de soja apresentou custo reduzido e foi capaz de desenvolver o fenótipo obeso em ratos propensos, à semelhança do observado na literatura com outras dietas.


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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) have been proven beneficial to the cardiac-compromised patient, but whether there is an advantage associated with using a tissue-active or systemically-active ACEI is debatable. An investigation into the clinical benefits of tissue ACEI for veterinary patients was undertaken by comparing enalapril with ramipril. Results obtained concluded that although there is much evidence to prove that tissue ACEIs are superior over systemic ACEIs at the cellular level, this does not correlate in the clinical sense. Both enalapril and ramipril provided similar clinical benefits to the cardiac-compromised patient.


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Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although ATP and P2X receptor activity have been lately associated with epilepsy, little is known regarding their exact roles in epileptogenesis. Temporal-lobe epilepsy (TLE) in rat was induced by pilocarpine in order to study changes of hippocampal P2X(2), P2X(4) and P2X(7) receptor expression during acute, latent or chronic phases of epilepsy. During acute and chronic phases increased P2X(7) receptor expression was principally observed in glial cells and glutamatergic nerve terminals, suggesting participation of this receptor in the activation of inflammatory and excitotoxic processes during epileptogenesis. No significant alterations of hippocampal P2X(2) and P2X(4) receptor expression was noted during the acute or latent phase when compared to the control group, indicating that these receptors are not directly involved with the initiation of epilepsy. However, the reduction of hippocampal P2X(4) receptor immunostaining in the chronic phase could reflect neuronal toss or decreased GABAergic signaling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study aimed to determine if 25 days of canola oil intake in the absence of excess dietary salt or together with salt loading affects antioxidant and oxidative stress markers in the circulation. A further aim was to determine the mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase subunits and superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms in the aorta of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHRSP) rats.

Methods: Male SHRSP rats, were fed a defatted control diet containing 10% wt/wt soybean oil or a defatted treatment diet containing 10% wt/wt canola oil, and given tap water or water containing 1% NaCl. Blood was collected at the end of study for analysis of red blood cell (RBC) antioxidant enzymes, RBC and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), plasma 8-isoprostane and plasma lipids. The aorta was removed and the mRNA expression of NOX2, p22phox, CuZn-SOD, Mn-SOD and EC-SOD were determined.

Results: In the absence of salt, canola oil reduced RBC SOD and glutathione peroxidase, and increased total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol compared with soybean oil. RBC glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly lower in both the salt loaded groups compared to the soybean oil only group. In addition, RBC MDA and plasma HDL cholesterol were significantly higher in both the salt loaded groups compared to the no salt groups. Plasma MDA concentration was higher and LDL cholesterol concentration lower in the canola oil group loaded with salt compared to the canola oil group without salt. The mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase subunits and SOD isoforms were significantly reduced in the canola oil group with salt compared to canola oil group without salt.

Conclusion: In conclusion, these results indicate that canola oil reduces antioxidant status and increases plasma lipids, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, canola oil in combination with salt intake increased MDA, a marker of lipid peroxidation and decreased NAPDH oxidase subunits and aortic SOD gene expression.